What is Creative Cloud?

Creative Cloud is the hub which Adobe uses to install Adobe applications. By installing Creative Cloud, you can then access the installation of other Adobe applications.

How Do I Install Creative Cloud?
Please Note: You must use your school account to sign up and log in to Creative Cloud. You cannot receive the TFS Creative Cloud benefits on a personal account.

1. Go to https://www.adobe.com/ca/creativecloud/desktop-app.html to download the Creative Cloud App.

2. In your browser downloads, click on the adobe Creative Cloud file called “Creative_Cloud_Set-Up”.

3. This will open the Creative Cloud installation wizard which will request account authentication if your security settings require a password.

4. The install wizard will ask you some non-mandatory questions. Click ‘Skip’ if you would like to skip this step.

5. Next, you will be asked to sign in. Click ‘Create an account.’ Please note that you must sign up with a TFS student account to receive the TFS benefits. You cannot sign up for Creative Cloud on a personal account to get the benefit.

6. Use your TFS email address and password to sign up. Only use your TFS email and password. Click ‘Continue.”

7. This will bring you to a details page where you fill in your first name, last name and country. Please select ‘Canada’ as your country. Click ‘Done.’

8. You will receive an email from Adobe in your TFS Email. Click on the link that says ‘Verify your email’ in the email. 

9. This will bring you to a sign-in page where you will sign in with your TFS email and password.

10. Once you have verified your email, you can open Adobe Creative Cloud and install the applications you need. We recommend Adobe Acrobat as one of the first applications you install.